The 8th UKI Medicinal Mushrooms Conference 2025

5th & 6th of April 2025

VENUE: Stanton House Hotel
Stanton Fitzwarren, Wiltshire, SN6 7SD

Enquiries & ticket sales: Please email
Full 2 day event £225.00 / UKIMPR Member £185.00 / Student or unwaged household £165.00

(Ticket price includes all talks, workshops and Mushroom ID walk, plus tea & coffee. Excludes travel, accommodation and food).

medicinal mushrooms banner

A small selection of the medicinal mushrooms found in Britain and Ireland:
(l to r) Liberty cap, Psilocybe semilanceata (taken by Arp – creative commons license 3.0), turkey tail, Trametes versicolor, fly agaric, Amanita muscaria, red-belted polypore, Fomitopsis pinicola.


Robert dale rogers bsc rh(ahg) ficn
medicinal mushrooms -the human clinical trials

Western biomedicine and oncology have long claimed that mushrooms are not medicinal. In fact, oncologists often advise their patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiation for cancer to abstain from any supplements.

However, the truth is that there are hundreds of double-blind, placebo controlled, randomised human clinical trials. They appear to demonstrate that mushrooms can alleviate numerous side-effects, perhaps extending survival rates and lifespan, and even exhibiting synergism with other therapies that may help to combat drug-resistance.
Robert Dale Rogers, Author of The Fungal Pharmacy, is a professional member of the American Herbalist Guild and Herbal Elder of Canada.  He has been a herbalist for fifty years with more than 20 years of clinical experience in-practice. He has taught plant and mushroom medicine in Canada, spanning more than 2 decades, including at MacEwan University and the University of Alberta, where he held the position of Assistant Clinical Professor in Family Medicine for 12 years. Robert also developed a unique Earth Spirit Herbal Medicine programme for The Northern Star College of Mystical Studies in Edmonton, Alberta. Robert was formerly on the editorial board of the International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms and a past chair of the Medicinal Mushroom Committee of the North American Mycological Association (NAMA). He is the author of over 60 books and 20 peer-reviewed papers, a Fellow of the International College of Nutrition and a regular contributor to Fungi magazine.

His published works include:

The Fungal Pharmacy: The Complete Guide to Medicinal Mushrooms and Lichens of North America (2011).
Medicinal Mushrooms: The Human Clinical Trials (2020). 
Psilocybin Mushrooms: The Magic, Science and Research (2021).
Mushroom Medicine: The Future of Functional Fungi (2022).

Web page: //

dr ayman daba, CChem FNACB
a Review of mushrooms as anticancer therapeutics and the contribution of Tom Volk to mycology

Portrait of Dr Ayman Daba

Dr. Ayman Daba has worked in the field of exploring mushrooms as anti-cancer therapeutics for 32 years and has had 25 peer reviewed papers published on this subject. This talk will discuss the methodologies employed and some of the discoveries that have been made over this period, as well as highlighting the need for more research.

By his own admission, Dr Daba’s studies have led him to fall in love with mushrooms –  not only for their healing properties but because they are so fascinating on many different levels! As his enthusiasm rubbed off, people have come to know him as “the Mushroom Man“. Ayman was a great friend and colleague of world renowned professor and mycologist Tom Volk, a figure who will doubtless have influenced many of our delegates and speakers since the inception of the conference in 2015. Dr. Daba will be giving his talk this year in honour of Tom, who, leaving the great legacy of his work, travelled to the great mycelium dreaming in November 2022,.

Dr Daba is a Fellow of the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry, a Career Ambassador for the American Society of Clinical Pathology and has been awarded Chartered Chemist Status by the Royal Society of Chemistry, London. He works as a clinical lab director and scientist at Abbott Diagnostics USA. He studied at the College of Science, University of Ain Shames, in the Department of Biochemistry and RUSH University Hospital. He did his master’s thesis and followed with a doctorate degree on the novel anticancer and medicinal values of mushrooms. Dr. Daba served as the head of the pharmaceutical bioproduct department at the National Research Institute in Alexandria, Egypt, and was awarded a scholarship from the International Union Against Cancer (Switzerland), then completing a postdoctoral fellowship  in the Aarhus Commune Hospital, Denmark. Daba was a Fulbright Scholarship at the Wisconsin Lacrosse working in scaling up of mushroom mycelia in bioreactors.  He also obtained a post doc fellow at  Roswell Park Cancer Hospital Buffalo NY where he was able to study the structural analyses of mushroom polysaccharides.

Website: //

Cristina Cromer


The best medicines contain not only the chemicals, but also the energetics of the source material. From terrain to harvest, from buying to storing, from drying to  making, there are so many places where the vitality of the plant or mushroom can be lost. How do we ensure that our medicines are lively as well as useful? This talk will trace the pilgrimage between the place where the source material lives, to the home it finds within the patient.
Cristina lives and works as a community based medical herbalist in Brixton, South London. Working with people with financial pressures, and her own frustration at the cost of herbal tinctures, inspired her to find cost effective ways to make good medicines. This led her to develop the Decocta Profunda (or Deep Decoction), something she says she didn’t invent but learned from the process itself. This, together with her own connection to the Land, has informed not only her medicine making skills but also her entire approach to herbal medicine, which respects terrain, connection, coherence and assimilation. This talk will offer ways to expand understanding and deepen thoughtfulness about medicine making, even for people who are city-bound.
Find Cristina on the web: //

martin powell
ratios, additives and percentages: a look at the claims made for mushroom products

Martin PowellIn this talk, Martin will be guiding us to take a second look at the claims made for mushroom products and how they relate to different raw materials, production processes and testing methodologies. What actually goes on in the factory and what to understand from claimed percentages of active constituents, extraction ratios and terms like “dual-extraction”, “double extracted” or “triple extracted”? What are the implications for the compounds present, and for the medicinal properties of the finished product?

Martin Powell, MRCHM, BSc Hons (Biochemistry), is a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a biochemist and the author of “Medicinal Mushrooms, The Essential Guide” (2013) and “Medicinal Mushrooms – A Clinical Guide”. Martin lectured at the University of Westminster for 13 years, during which he helped to set up the MSc programme in Chinese Herbal Medicine. He has worked as a consultant to a number of companies in the natural products industry and is a recognised authority on Medicinal Mushrooms. Martin has also worked with leading clinics to develop integrative treatments for cancer and other chronic health conditions. He is an Honorary Fellow of the UKI Mycotherapy Practitioners Register. 

Website: // 

ben gibson

working with the mysterious cordyceps mushroom

Ben Gibson holding Cordyceps militarisIn this talk, Ben will be telling us about his work cultivating Cordyceps militaris, the scarlet caterpillar club – a curious fungus to grow given that its natural host is an insect.

He will also speak to us about the peculiar nature that characterises this group of fungi, from their place in both our native UK ecosystem and across the world, to the medicinal possibilities that are derived from their intriguing fungal  biochemistry.
Ben is the founder and head mushroom grower at The Fungi Folks; a farm based in South Wales growing a range of gourmet and medicinal fungi with a particular affinity for Cordyceps. His interest in fungi was kindled through exploring the native medicinal mushrooms in the New Forest, and the realisation that he could cultivate many of these species in his bedroom. From this moment, it was a swift descent down the fungal rabbit hole… come and listen to Ben as he shares something of this journey with us!

Fred GilLam

Studies on the benefits of mushroom nutrition: what recent studies show and are the benefits available to all?

Fred Gillam

A seeming plethora of papers have recently been published appearing to show associations between mushroom consumption and various positive health outcomes. These include improvements in diabetes, mild cognitive impairment, cancer statistics and all cause mortality, to name a few. Fred will be taking up the story and investigating what may lay behind these apparent trends, discussing the limitations and what these studies may be unable to show. “Can we, as the general public, use and benefit directly from this information, and if so then how?”

Fred is the founder of the UKI Mycotherapy Practitioners Register and tutor on the course Exploring the Healing Potential of Medicinal Mushrooms. He is the author of Poisonous Plants in Great Britain and a faculty member / visiting lecturer at Excelsior Herbal Apprenticeships.  Fred has delivered papers on ethnobotany and medicinal mushrooms to the Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution, and has had articles published in The Herbalist, NIMH Power of Plants magazine, The Journal of the International Register of Consultant Herbalists, and ‘Mushroom’ magazine. He has a special interest in Immunology and Integrative Medicine, and together with his partner Natascha, runs a community herbal dispensary in Wiltshire.

Websites: // /


Other Highlights include:

Research news headlines, presented by Fred Gillam & Natascha Kenyon…

Fred Gillam & Natascha KenyonExploring Recent Clinical Trials and Research Papers – Fred & Natascha will present a news summary from recently published trials, reviews, metastudies and laboratory studies involving medicinal mushrooms.

Sunday afternoon fungus foray

This will be led by the field mycologists present, who will take us on a fungus foray around the large woodland country park that comprise the Stanton Park estate, looking for medicinal fungi.

mushroom log innoculation

2 Mushroom Log Inoculation workshops will be facilitated by James Scrivens of Coed Talylan land trust in the Brecon Beacons, Wales.

James uses permaculture design practices and deep-bed log cultivation systems that he has integrated into the sustainable management of the broad-leaved semi-natural woodland where he lives and works. James will tell us about the work of creating fungal refugia and teach us all how to inoculate logs with turkey tail mushroom spawn, which we can then take home for fruiting!


Enquiries & ticket sales: Please email
Full delegate ticket £225.00
UKIMPR Member £180.00
Student / fully unwaged household £165.00
Day ticket (limited number available) £120.00


Stanton House Hotel, our venue for the conference, is set within 183 acres of mature landscaped parkland and ancient woodland, providing the ideal setting for our Sunday Medicinal Mushroom ID Walk at the conference!


Our foyer market will once again have a range of dried mushrooms, fresh mushrooms, book signings and all mushroom related paraphernalia. We regret that we do not allow formulated / processed mushroom products for sale.


Tea and coffee will be provided in the scheduled breaks on both days of the conference.

Food is not included in the price of entry to the conference, but the restaurant at the venue will be providing a range of meals to suit all tastes. Orders for meals will be taken in advance during the mid-morning break to allow the kitchen to process them in time, so that the timing of the afternoon programme will not be adversely affected. You are also welcome to bring a packed lunch to consume in the conference hall as an alternative to the regular hotel menu, on either of the days.

Note: Only a limited range of special dietary requirements can be catered for in the restaurant due to the capacity of the kitchen at a large event such as this. Please be patient with the restaurant staff at our special event. 


For those who wish to stay at the hotel during the conference, the venue has rooms available at a special conference delegates’ rate. There are also excellent B&B’s and hotels in the locality. Note: All rooms at the venue MUST be vacated by 10.00 AM prompt on the day of departure and there is a strict no smoking policy inside the venue and hotel rooms.

Ganoderma applanatum

Kofuki saru no koshikake, the Artist’s fungus,
Ganoderma applanatum

These cousins of the popular reishi mushroom contain more than 400 constituents, including many of the active triterpenes found in reishi. With a long history of medicinal use throughout Asia, including both China and Japan, the properties are regarded as hepatoprotective, immune modulating, anti-allergic, anti-microbial towards notable pathogens, anti-cancer, hypoglycaemic, anti-oxidant and anxiolytic. It is an adaptogen that helps with physical and emotional stress, and promotes restful sleep.

About The UKI Medicinal Mushrooms Conference

New information about fungi that will change the way we look at health and the biology of living systems is emerging at what seems to be an ever increasing rate and an industry has grown up around it. However, the UKI Medicinal Mushrooms Conference is proud to be an independent conference.

We receive no sponsorship and do not promote the products of nutraceutical, pharmaceutical or processed mushroom product manufacturers.

Our mission is to relay current discoveries in the world of medicinal mycology to the grass-roots of health care practitioners, academics, citizen scientists and citizens everywhere, for the combined benefit of humankind and global ecology. Though our speakers may bring their valuable knowledge and experience from the commercial sector with them, we maintain strict independence (unlike some other conferences which can become the showcases for product promotion).

Our priority
 is to promote the spread of credible knowledge about medicinal fungi, throughout society, in a spirit of resourceful usefulness and academic brilliance that will be of benefit to all.

CPD: For healthcare practitioners, a CPD Certificate of Attendance (15 hours) will be available after the conference, if requested in advance.